The next shift in cyber insurance that brokers need to track in 2019

Insurance Business America  | January 16, 2019

Ground-shaking earthquakes might topple buildings and displace communities, but they also bear some resemblance to the scale of cyber incidents witnessed in the past year that crippled networks and exposed consumer data, according to one cyber expert.

And the Cybersecurity Survey Says…Federal Cyber Teams Share Challenges, Perspectives and Vision

Government Technology Insider  | January 16, 2019

Cybersecurity experts often like to tell the federal government what it needs to be doing better to deliver on the mission. But how often do they listen to federal government cyber teams to find out what their principal challenges are? And, moreover, how often is that insight collated, analyzed, and shared across civilian and military agencies?

New year, new tactics to keep your personal info safe after Marriott data breach

Los Angeles Times  | January 14, 2019

As consumers, we’re thinking about data breaches all wrong. We ask how something like this can happen. We are shocked when 383 million people, more than the population of the United States, are potentially affected by digital evil-doers. We think nothing will happen to us. And we continue on our merry way. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and especially wrong, experts say.

To Build the Federal Government’s Digital Resilience, Focus on Integration

Government Technology Insider  | January 2, 2019

With Wayne Lloyd, RedSeal Federal CTO

As anyone who works in any government IT field can tell you one of the greatest frustrations they face is integrating their many products. Regardless of whether an agency has begun its migration to the cloud or is just operating data centers, silos undermine the potential of technology and can even compromise an agency’s ability to meet its mission.