How RedSeal’s network modeling and risk scoring platform works.

RedSeal’s network modeling and risk scoring platform builds an accurate, up-to-date model of an organization’s entire, as-built network to visualize access paths, prioritize what to fix, so you can target existing cybersecurity resources to protect your most valuable assets. With RedSeal’s Digital Resilience Score, decision makers can see the security status and benchmark progress toward digital resilience.

RedSeal’s network visualization helps you see what you have.

Visualize your actual network

RedSeal’s model presents an accurate, up-to-date map of your network as it really is – including your cloud and virtual networks, and your physical and wireless infrastructure. With our network visualization, you can organize and group your network devices on RedSeal to reflect the way your business operates.

Visualize end-to-end access and detailed access paths.

RedSeal’s calculates all access – intended, not intended, active and potential – between any two points on your network.
With this network visualization, you can see all the individual devices between one point and another, and pinpoint the exact rules you need to change to affect access on each device.

Visualize hidden areas of the network.

RedSeal’s analysis of configuration files also provides insights into previously hidden areas of your network. With this network visibility, you’ll be able to maintain a complete inventory of your network assets and understand how they can be accessed.

Check if your devices are effectively configured.

As RedSeal builds your network model, it reviews network device configuration files for issues that can create security exposures. The review includes checks recommended by device manufacturers and custom checks you can create for your specific environment. Sometimes the most basic oversights create huge opportunities for breach or failure.

Using RedSeal. Take a video tour.

Verify network device configurations.

See how RedSeal automatically reviews network device configuration files for errors that can create security exposures.

Visualize your real network.

Get a closer look at how RedSeal creates an accurate, up-to-date map of your network.

Visualize end-to-end access.

See how RedSeal’s patented access path analysis shows intended and unintended access between all parts of your network.

Verify hidden areas of the network.

See how RedSeal creates and maintains a complete inventory of the assets on your network.

Visualize access path details.

See how to fully exploit the power of RedSeal’s path analysis, including seeing the individual devices in a path.

Prioritize vulnerability patching.

See how RedSeal uses your existing vulnerability scan reports and its network access analysis to identify which network vulnerabilities to patch first.

Verify network security policy.

Watch how RedSeal continuously shows you if your network implements your intended security policy.

Prioritize network change control.

See how to use RedSeal to review the potential impact of an access change request, including the impact to policies and risk.

Consolidated: How It Works